Thursday, March 12, 2020

Anonymous letter regarding WCMUUSD school board shenanigans

On Monday, March 9, 2020 the school board attended the re-organization meeting for the district. Two individuals were nominated for Board Chair, Patti Kuzmickas of Pomfret and Louis Piconi of Woodstock. The majority voted for Patti Kuzmickas. Bryce Sammel of Barnard was nominated and voted in as Vice-Chair of the school board.

Within less than 24 hours, Patti Kuzmickas gave her notice of resignation. A select group of board members, three Woodstock representatives and one Pomfret representative threatened her with their resignations from the board if she did not step down. One school board member from Woodstock directly approached Patti Kuzmickas after the board meeting to tell her she was not capable of leading the board. Who would blame an individual from stepping down when this group of board members was relentless with their mean spirited tactics? No one deserves the disrespect or the implications that questions one’s integrity or abilities to run the board. This practice of bullying and threatening fellow board members is unacceptable. It only confirms the reputation that these four board members have earned through their recent actions of bullying, and manipulation, and who will go to any extent to push through their personal agendas. They will stop at nothing; there will be no hesitation to close Reading Elementary and the Pomfret School in order to build a 68 million dollar school. The other towns have always been concerned about having six representatives from Woodstock, and here is a perfect example.

The district deserves a chair that has integrity, who is passionate, who will stand up and fight the fight, who will work to provide the best education and opportunities for our all of the students, not just a select few, who will be kind to our support staff, teachers, principals and administration, who is open values the input from others, who will work as a team member, and not bring personal agendas to the table and who will work for the taxpayers.

It is time for the taxpayers to stand up and say enough is enough. It is time for your school board to start working as a team. 

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