Thursday, October 31, 2019


Planning Commission Reporting Form for Municipal Bylaw Amendments

This report is in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4441 (c) which states:When considering an amendment to a bylaw, the planning commission shall prepare and approve a written report on the proposal. A single report may be prepared so as to satisfy the requirements of this subsection concerning bylaw amendments and subsection 4384(c) of this title concerning plan amendments..... The report shall provide:(A) brief explanation of the proposed bylaw, amendment, or repeal and ...include a statement of purpose as required for notice under section §4444 of this title:The principal purpose of the proposed zoning bylaw amendments is to require a permit for short-term rental of a dwelling unit, to allow accessory dwelling units within accessory buildings, and to require a driveway access permit before a certificate of occupancy is granted.And shall include findings regarding how the proposal:1.Conforms with or furthers the goals and policies contained in the municipal plan, including the effect of the proposal on the availability of safe and affordable housing:The proposed zoning bylaw amendmentsimplement the objectives of the town plan by maintaining a safe, healthy and beneficial environment for human habitation, accommodating growth in a rational and efficient manner, and avoiding incompatible and uncoordinated development and use. Allowing accessory dwelling units within accessory buildings will increase the availability of safe and affordable housing.2.Is compatible with the proposed future land uses and densities of the municipal plan:The proposed zoning bylaw amendments are compatible with the objective of the town plan to reinforce the existing pattern of residential concentrations.3.Carries out, as applicable, any specific proposals for any planned community facilities.There are no specific proposals for such facilities.Draft for Planning Commission Hearing on November 20, 2019.

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