Friday, September 23, 2016

Are We Voting For The Town Or The KPAA

Mountain Times 
September 21, 2016

Subject: How Important This Election Is 

Hi all,

First, thank you everyone for you efforts in making 2015 a great year at the KPAA.  I look forward to our continued progress in 2016.  We were able to accomplish so much by working together as the business community, Killington Resort, and the Town. These relationships have allowed us to grow our organization significantly.  

With the Town Meeting/Election Day right around the corner, I wanted to reach out to all KPAA board members and stress the importance that not only you get out to vote, but that you also get your employees and friends.

This is a critical year for the KPAA!!!!!!!!!!! 

Today, our community is better off than it was a year ago. Everyone must understand this election is critical to the life of the KPAA. One Candidate clearly supports our objectives and the other? 

The other candidate has proven to be destructive in the past, and I am sincerely concerned for the future of the KPAA if they were elected. Everyone must understand that things we have worked so hard to develop would go away. We could not be housed at our new Welcome Center without the support of the town with the park and ride nor could we solely employ such a skilled director for our organization.  Without these two assets we could not partner with the Resort in such a productive and collaborative manner. It takes actions from the organization’s members to drive the will of the organization and we all need to realize these possible effects if the wrong candidate is elected. 

I know I don’t want to start over, and re-develop this organization. We all have worked too hard and sacrificed too much to get to this point. As a community, we should make sure we are advocating for a candidate that supports our mission and progress.  Please get out and vote this coming Tuesday, March 1, and remember the candidates who have helped us get to this point and need your vote.

Thank you,
[Howard Smith, President of the KPAA]

Enjoy this cartoon as it probably will be the last published in the Mountain Times. Apparently this, and other recent political satire cartoons published in the Times, have struck a nerve. Rumor has it that businesses are threatening to pull their advertising from the Times if any further political cartoons of this ilk are published.
I guess free speech is dead in Killington and the town itself is guilty of subsidizing its death at the hands of a few businessmen profiting from the town's subsidies to their political organization, the KPAA. 
The KPAA is a political organization tax exempt under the IRS Section 501(c)(6) guidelines. One of its main  functions is political lobbying. So in effect the town is actually subsidizing the lobbying of itself to further the political business aims of the subsidized entity. 
So while the above cartoon may be in brazenly questionable taste, there is more than a kernel of truth in it.

1 comment:

Linda K. said...

And most of the people in town will have no idea this has happened. I'd love to challenge the Mountain Times to print an article explaining why the cartoons have been shut down.

Or maybe the KPAA should find their own cartoonist to contribute the other point of view.

Funny thing is that the Mountain Times benefited from having a free cartoonist.