Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Local Option tax video - Seth Webb interview


The above link is to a PEG TV show called “Insight” wherein Seth Webb, Killington Town Manager is interviewed regarding the potential repeal of the sales and use portion of the 1% options tax. In my judgment the information is pretty accurate and balanced. More could have been said about the budgetary impact on the town but all in all it’s a good summary of the situation. Worth watching to get a good handle on the situation.
If this piques your interest, you might consider attending tonight’s Select Board Meeting where they are going to consider putting the repeal on Town Meeting Warning for the town to vote on.

A couple of email responses regarding the video came in as follows;

From Diane Rosenblum
They are also way underestimating the value of the houses in Killington at $200,000.  That may be condominiums but certainly not houses!
From Jim Haff
I watched the few minutes and right off the bat one huge mistake in understanding the tax was made.

Polly and Seth speaking about propane and electricity being taxed or not. Seth said it was not taxed then Polly asked then what is the biggest item tax on the resort if not these two items.

The misunderstanding is that a commercial account does have this 
Tax applied to their propane, heating oil and electric bill. Their are also many condo associations in town that are set up as a commercial tax
That would see a reduction.

Just pointing out that you really need to understand this tax and not all the info out there is correct

Thanks Jim Haff

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