Thursday, May 5, 2016

Don’t criminalize act of farming

Rutland Herald
May 05,2016
I was dismayed to find that the state’s attorney was bringing charges against my friend Craig Mosher. His bull escaped confinement, wandered on to Route 4 and was hit by a car, unfortunately killing the driver of the car. This is a very sad event but does not make Craig a criminal.

I have worked with Craig on several projects over the years and have always found him to be a very responsible individual, certainly not one to be careless with his animals.

I have had several horses over the years, and occasionally, despite my best efforts, they have gotten out. At times, I have found my neighbor’s escaped cows in my yard. Indeed, virtually all owners of horses and cows have had some get out. These are not criminal acts.

This action by the state’s attorney has the potential of criminalizing every Vermont farmer.



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