Saturday, June 4, 2016

Prosecutors must exercise discretion

Rutland Herald
June 04,2016
I’m not a lawyer. I’m a farmer. I always thought that law was about precedent and prosecutorial discretion more than the text of legal statutes. Prosecutors need to understand their communities’ values and traditions and use their discretion to help those communities thrive; otherwise why not just replace the members of the legal community with computers.

Craig Mosher owned an animal, the animal escaped and wandered onto the road. Everything about Mosher’s actions was reasonable and consistent with the values and traditions of animal husbandry in Vermont. If a horse spooks and throws its rider and then runs into an oncoming car should the rider be charged with a crime? Rose Kennedy’s failure to exercise prudent prosecutorial discretion has severely damaged this state. Things may never be the same again.



Comment: Thanks Michael. Couldn't have said it better myself.

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