Thursday, February 26, 2015

KPAA Questions to Selectman candidates (WOW!)

Below are draft questions the newly formed KPAA prepared for today's candidate forum at the KPAA headquarters (formerly Bill's Country Store) at 10:00 am.

Some interesting agendas and situations can be extrapolated from these questions, which I am addressing below after the questions.

Question 1
How will you work with the business community, the Town employees and the residents to build consensus on a variety of issues and ensure we grow the regional four season economy?  Why are you will suited and qualified for the aspects of the job as Selectmen?

There will never be a "four season" economy in this town unless you get rid of black fly/mud season. So stop it already.

Question 2
The KPAA would like to work with the Town and the Resort to grow the regional economy.  To accomplish that, we are interested in pursuing the plan the Town Economic Development and Tourism Commission voted unanimously to support this summer (see memo on Town website on the EDTC page titled “EDTC Memo on Tax Reform Proposal 7-14-15 final”).

This plan would repeal the Sales and Use portion of the options tax, and transfer the Marketing and Events responsibility and expense to the KPAA.  The KPAA, with the support of the Resort and our growing membership, would manage the Marketing and Special Events. 

While the vote to repeal the Sales and Use portion of the Options Tax has not been established, the KPAA would like to continue pursuing this plan in 2015, and will propose that the Town sub-contract all the Marketing and Events activities to the KPAA. 

Do you support the KPAA and its interest in managing the marketing and special events for the Town in 2015-2016 and modifying the Options Tax at a future date? 

I'm all for transferring the marketing and events responsibility to the KPAA where the people who benefit from these programs actually financially support them, instead of the taxpayers!
This is a thinly veiled proposal to either do away with 1% sales and use or transfer those funds to the KPAA via the "subcontracting" route. My understanding is that the Chamber was in pretty dire straits financially before it became the KPAA. It owed significant amounts to the Mountain Times and was being sued by the web designer they hired to do their website for lack of payment and reneging on their contract. 
I don't see giving taxpayer funds to this organization as beneficial to the town. It's just an attempt to fund the organization (and most likely pay off their debts) at taxpayer expense. 
There is not going to be any modification of the 1% options tax. If anything the town should eliminate all so called "EDT" spending and refocus the 1% revenues to address the approximately one million dollar deficit the town is currently operating under. 

Question 3
The KPAA supports the Selectboard budget proposal for 2015-16.  Do you support their budget proposal?  Why?

Related, over the last year, the Town Events and Marketing Coordinator has worked 30 hours a week for the Town and then served as the KPAA Director for 20 hours a week.  Sharing an employee has been critical to us.  Do you support the continuation of this position at the funding level as outlined in the Town’s budget proposal?  

I am amazed that this question is being asked. My understanding of the situation with the Town Events and Marketing Coordinator is as follows: While the position was cut back to 30 hours working for the town the salary remained the same at the same time as the person became KPAA director for 20 hours, then it was given a raise this year. Essentially the town is paying the salary for both positions. I would like to see the canceled payroll checks for these positions from the town and KPAA.

Question 4
Over the last three years the Town and Golf Committee have worked to put the Golf Course on a path to be self-sustaining.  During that period, the Golf Course has paid for its annual operational expenses, capital expenses, and provided $50,000 a year to the general fund to offset debt payments. 

Now that the golf expense seems to be under control, what is your position on supporting new investments like mountain biking and trails to ensure we remain competitive in the summer and fall tourism market?  

You've got to be kidding! We still owe millions of dollars on the golf course. Just because we account for the debt in the general fund does not mean the golf course is sustaining itself. It has serious expenses it needs to cover in the near future, i.e. the aging irrigation system as well as the clubhouse.
To be planning EDT type capital projects while we still have outstanding golf course debt as well as the Killington/West Hill Roads bond outstanding is ludicrous 

I think the candidate who agrees whole heartedly with these proposals should not be voted for as it would drive the town further in the hole and increase the taxpayers burden.

Italics are my opinion.

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