Monday, October 13, 2014

Killington Librarian Asks Town For Funds

Killington Librarian Asks Town For Funds

By Virginia Dean

Vermont Standard Correspondent

KILLINGTON — As part of the annual budget process that has just begun, Select Board members listened to a request from town Librarian Jane Ramos for an increase of 1 percent in the
proposed 2015-2016 library budget.

“I’m asking for an increase for more technology so that we can upgrade our services,” said Ramos. “I’d like to have a faster speed through fiber connect (VTel) and move away from Comcast which is broadband. If we can get better service for a little more money, I’d prefer that.”

The proposed 2015-2016 library budget is $207,730. The projected 2014 budget total is $202,915. Requested increases include the expenses of telephone and telecom (up $1,200), programs and special events (up $750), audiobooks/DVDs (up $2,000), library director salary (up $2,500), and library staff (up $3,589). The 2013 full-year actuals were $196,318 according to the department’s budget report.

Board members were not expected to act on Ramos’s request but rather have a sense of where town departments stand and seek to level fund.

“That’s the philosophy we’ve been working on for the last three years,” said Town Manager Seth Webb.

Board member Chris Bianchi noted that this is the just the beginning of the overall budget process.

“That’s important to take into account,” said Bianchi. “We’ll get there by January.”

Board Chairwoman Patty McGrath agreed.

“We need to have people look at what they had, what worked,” said McGrath. “We need to look for opportunities to save money. As far as the library, there’s a current focus on technology, upgrading,

 Webb noted that the new proposed financial plan is projected to come in below budget, is flat for six months, and up by 1 percent for the next fiscal year. In terms of salary, a 2 percent cost of living expense is figured into the total amount.

“Capital expenditures are up significantly but are based on the replacement value of the building,” said Webb who added that the goal of board members is to review departmental budgets and make decisions about where the town wants to go.

Board members will be reviewing 18 months of budget, having switched from a calendar to fiscal year, said McGrath.

In other business, board members agreed to appoint a group of 5 citizens and 4 staff to serve on the Fire Department Facilities Review Committee to decide the best course of action for the future of the Killington Fire and Rescue Department.

The citizens will be appointed by the Select Board and the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth members will be the Killington Fire and Rescue Chief, the Killington Fire and Rescue President, the Town Manager, and the Highways and Facilities Director. Members appointed to the committee shall either be residents of the town of Killington, own property within the town of Killington or own or manage a business within the town of Killington to be qualified to serve.

The members of the committee will be appointed for a single terms of one year. The Select Board can make appointments necessary to fill vacancies for an additional term of one year.

The committee will hold public noticed regular meetings and adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of business within its jurisdiction. It will serve in an advisory capacity to the town of Killington Town Manager and Select Board.

The committee will make a recommendation to the town on how to proceed with the renovation or reconstruction of the Fire Department facilities and, to do so, will consult with architects and outside experts.

“This is for our citizens,” said McGrath.

Board members will advertise the positions by the end of this week and letters of interest must be submitted by Oct. 31 to the Killington Select Board, PO Box 429, Killington, VT 05751 or by emailing the Town Manager at First appointments will be made in early November.

A follow-up letter to one sent by the health officer on September 4, 2014 will be sent out immediately to the landlord of 117 Innsbruck Lane who is in non-compliance with a recent health order. According to Board members, there are issues with the propane system, electric baseboard, ceiling fans, cold air, dishwasher and refrigerator, sediment in the water, dampness, and insulation.

“The biggest problem we have is that there is no proof of compliance,” said Board member Ken Lee. “We need to investigate and determine whether the landlord is going to address the issues or not rent the duplex.”

In other news, Board members approved the renewal of a first-class liquor license for the Sunrise Home Owners Association with the stipulation that the owner-server comply with the federal law of attending enforcement seminars.

Town Manager Webb gave an updated town report that included re-grading the golf course, road repairs, and various upcoming meetings.


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