Saturday, May 10, 2014

Slip Road Followup

Having spoken to many people regarding the West Hill Slip closure proposal some interesting tidbits surfaced.
I had thought that the whole idea was Chris Bianchi's. I didn't want to say it as I only had a hazy memory of it. After speaking with others I found confirmation that was indeed the case. Chris Bianchi directed the authors of the study to include the lane closure in the Killington Road beautification study. Then months later he uses the fact the proposal was in the study as a recommendation by the consultants supporting the lane closure (I smell weasel) when in fact it was his idea all along.
The Fire Department has chimed in as well. Eliminating the slip lane would seriously increase response time as the fire trucks would have to negotiate the 90 degree turn used to substitute for slip lane. This is a big deal as the during an emergency every second counts. And apparently the ladder truck would need an additional lane on West Hill at the turn for it to negotiate the turn. And never mind that besides calls the fire trucks need to go to the town garage to refuel.
If you read the "Highway Worksheet" on the town website, /Alteration%20-%20Discontinuance%20of%20W.%20Hill%20Slip/Highway%20Workheet.pdf, there is an item "Pay compensation ("damages")." What I take this to mean is if the closure results in financial damage to property owners the town has to reimburse them. Now I know that home insurance rates are in part determined by fire department response times to a given property. This in turn affects the value of a property. Is the town going to go out on a limb and have to possibly reimburse homeowners for their increased insurance premiums and property devaluation. Never mind the legal costs if someone decides to file suit or class action.
Even going through the process of vetting the proposal would cost the town money as they have to notify interested parties and abutting landowners. Just consider those mailing costs alone. I'm sure there would other legal costs as well.
And it should be noted none of the Select board live in the area so won't be affected.
This is Chris Bianchi's "Field of Dreams" - "build it and they will come." He even stated as much in the last selectboard meeting. I don't know why anyone would come to Killington to see a green space or sidewalk. It's just like the Visitor's Center. It's being touted as part of the streetscape of Rte 4 which will attract more tourism. Let me ask you, how many places did you plan a trip too just to see the Visitors center? People only go to a Visitor's center when they get somewhere not as a destination.
On another note.
The town assumes full responsibility for day to day maintenance of the whole parking lot at Bill's, not just the park and ride section. That means plowing, sweeping and so on. Another hidden cost subsidizing a private entity. When I asked Seth Webb if he had determined what that cost would be - of course he hadn't.

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